· Ride Only: 3,350 CHF
· Hotel Package: 4,750 CHF
Registrations will be open until SOLD OUT or until Registration Closing date (29th of June 2025).
· Nur Fahrt: 3.350 CHF
· Hotel-Paket: 4.750 CHF
Die offizielle Unterkunft umfasst:
Teams in the UCI categories will not qualify for age group leader jerseys in Mixed, Amateur, Masters, Grand Masters, and Great Grand Masters categories. Team age group will be determined by the age of the youngest rider in your team.
Die Teams in den UCI-Kategorien qualifizieren sich nicht für die Trikots des Altersklassenführers in den Kategorien Mixed, Amateur, Masters, Grand Masters und Great Grand Masters. Die Altersklasse des Teams wird durch das Alter des jüngsten Fahrers in deinem Team bestimmt.
At the Epic Series Rider Service Department, you're our top priority. Our main focus is to provide with the best possible service that's why here you will find all the information about the journey you are ready to start. Your feedback helps us improve, and we’re always here to meet your needs please do not hesitate to contact us for more info.
We understand that entering an Epic Series event is a big commitment, so we offer you the payment plan from which you can benefit if you sign up until 24 November 2024. The payment plan consists of 3 payments; these are due on the dates below:
Setting up the payment plan is easy, you can select the option during the registration process. If you have any questions, please send us an email: info@swiss-epic.com and we’d be glad to assist.
Please note: Your registration is only valid when all 3 payments have been made. When choosing the payment plan, you can’t claim any partial refund.
Die Einrichtung des Zahlungsplans ist einfach, Sie können diese Option während des Anmeldeprozesses auswählen. Wenn Sie Fragen haben, senden Sie uns bitte eine E-Mail an info@swiss-epic.com, und wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.
Wichtiger Hinweis: Ihre Anmeldung ist erst gültig, nachdem alle 3 Zahlungen abgeschlossen sind. Bei Wahl des Zahlungsplans können keine Teilrückerstattungen beantragt werden.
Teams who register on or before 24 November 2024 are eligible to defer their 2025 race entry to the 2026 edition free of charge. All deferral requests will be honored until midnight, 1st of February 2025 regardless of the reason for deferral. Deferral requests must be submitted via the online deferral form. The deferral may be only used once.
Please Note: Riders who were deferred from 2024 to 2025 are not eligible for deferral into 2026.
If you are unable to find a substitute rider/team, withdrawal requests must be sent via the online withdrawal form during the following time frames to be eligible for a partial refund:
Check that link to proceed with the Withdrawal.
For more information on our Withdrawal Policy, please read our Deferral, Withdrawal and Rider change terms and conditions.
Only those who have experienced it will understand but we know you are ready to embrace the challenge, the freedom, the friendly vibes of the Graubünden in the Swiss Alps. Welcome to the Home of Trails, your Epic Journey is about to start!
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Bring your family and friends to Andorra. The Country of the Pyrenees will offer you everything.
Take advantage of the available and limited Optional Extras to upgrade your experience and to make your stay even more pleasant.