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Conquer the Alps

Iconic. Rewarding. Spectacular


Three riders on their bikes riding over a trail with enourmous mountains in the backdrop at Swiss Epic.

Next Edition in

  • NEXT EDITION: 13 - 17 August 2025
  • 2025 Entries NOW OPEN
  • Ride in Awe of the Alps
  • The Alps are Calling
  • NEXT EDITION: 13 - 17 August 2025
  • 48-hour Early Bird Entries Open on September 3rd
  • Ride in Awe of the Alps
  • The Alps are Calling
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  • Ride in Awe of the Alps?
  • NEXT EDITION: 13 - 17 August 2025
  • The Alps are Calling
  • Register Now!

<Placeholder for Race Features>

Welcome to the Most Alpine MTB

Discover the Iconic. Rewarding. Spectacular spirit of the Alps!
Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? The 2025 SPAR Swiss Epic is calling your name! Each year, we carve out an exciting new route, showcasing stunning mountain passes, flow trails, bike parks, and picturesque valleys.
Join riders from around the world to explore Graubünden’s charming alpine towns, compete alongside pros, and enjoy top-notch Swiss hospitality. Create unforgettable memories on some of the world’s best mountain bike trails. 
The Alps are calling. Are you ready to #ConquerTheAlps from August 13 to 17, 2025!

Willkommen beim alpinsten MTB

Entdecken Sie das Ikonische. Lohnend. Spektakulärer Geist der Alpen!
Bereit für das Abenteuer Ihres Lebens? Das SPAR Swiss Epic 2025 ruft Ihren Namen! Jedes Jahr entwerfen wir eine aufregende neue Route und präsentieren atemberaubende Bergpässe, Flowtrails, Bikeparks und malerische Täler.
Erkunden Sie gemeinsam mit Fahrern aus der ganzen Welt die bezaubernden Alpenstädte Graubündens, messen Sie sich mit Profis und genießen Sie erstklassige Schweizer Gastfreundschaft. Schaffen Sie unvergessliche Erinnerungen auf einigen der besten Mountainbike-Strecken der Welt.  
Die Alpen rufen. Sind Sie bereit für #ConquerTheAlps vom 13. bis 17. August 2025!

2025 Registrations OPEN! Welcome to the Home of Trails

Don't miss your chance!

2025-Registrierungen öffnen! Willkommen in der Heimat der Trails.

Verpassen Sie nicht Ihre Chance!

2025 Registrations OPEN! Welcome to the Home of Trails

Price increases and early entry benefits end on November 24. Don't miss your chance!

2025-Registrierungen öffnen! Willkommen in der Heimat der Trails.

Preiserhöhungen und Vorteile für einen frühen Eintritt enden am 24. November. Verpassen Sie nicht Ihre Chance!

Explore: The 2-Day MTB Solo Adventure - Epic Series Awaits!

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All inclusive

Hotels, destinations and competition

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Alles inklusive

Hotels, Reiseziele und Wettbewerb

Optionale Extras

Personalisieren Sie Ihre Registrierung


Teile die Alpen mit Freunden und Familie

Feel Inspired? Take on the Swiss Alps in 2025

NEXT EDITION: 13 - 17 August 2025

If the idea of racing your mountain bike on the Home of Trails in Graubünden appeals to you, sign up to get in line first!

Inspiriert? Stellen Sie sich 2025 den Schweizer Alpen!

NÄCHSTE AUSGABE: 13. - 17. August 2025

Wenn Sie die Vorstellung reizt, mit Ihrem Mountainbike auf der Heimat der Trails in Graubünden zu fahren, melden Sie sich an, um als Erste(r) in der Warteschlange zu stehen!


Prepare for a Great Year of MTB with the Epic Series in 2025

By Epic Series 01/28/2025, 12:00am HST

You could race the world in 2025. Find out how here...

From the Absa Cape Epic, in March, to FNB Wines2Whales, in November, the 2025 Epic Series will thrill with spectacular singletracks, challenge with arduous ascents, celebrate the camaraderie of the race villages, and welcome teams home like the champions they are on the final finish lines. It will take mountain bikers from South Africa’s Western Cape and iconic vistas of Table Mountain into the high passes of the Pyrenees. The opportunities for exploration abound, from the ancient limestone trails of Croatia’s Kvarner islands to the alpine lakes of Switzerland’s largest canton, Graubünden. All these experiences, and more, await for those who choose to Race the World in 2025…

Biance Bekker: In the Words of an Epic Legend

By Epic Series 01/06/2025, 12:30am HST

Discover the joy of racing the world through the words of Epic Legend Biance Bekker...

In 2024 Biance Bekker was one of just four people to complete every Epic Series race. The South African was joined on stage by her stage race partner, Daniel Tenner, and the Buff Megamo Epic Legends Hans Becking and Wout Alleman at FNB Wines2Whales to be honoured for that remarkable achievement. Having ridden the Absa Cape Epic, 4Islands Epic Croatia, Andorra Epic Pyrenees, SPAR Swiss Epic, and all three FNB Wines2Whales races Bekker is in a unique position to speak to the challenges and highlights of each event.

Experience breathtaking destinations. Experience camaraderie on the trails. Experience world class mountain bike stage racing. Explore with the Epic Series.

Good to Know: Facts and Figures from Graubünden

By Epic Series 10/29/2024, 9:30am HST

Switzerland’s enchanting region of Graubünden, known for its alpine wonders, vast landscapes, and rich cultural history, offers travelers and residents a unique experience. Covering 17.2% of Switzerland's total land area, it stands as the country’s largest yet least densely populated canton.

Stage 5 of the 2024 SPAR Swiss Epic provided a fitting finale to the Epic Series race through the magnificent trails of Graubünden. It did however not provide any major upsets as Gian Schmid and Lukas Flückiger defended their yellow CIOVITA jerseys, despite the aggressive racing of the KTM Alchemist Brenta Brakes team. The women in orange, Monica Calderon and Tessa Kortekaas were even more controlled in their victory, adding a fifth stage win to their Swiss success. 

Absa Cape Epic legends for the BULLS Ebike Media Team

By Swiss Epic 08/23/2024, 11:15am HST

Stefan Sahm, Thomas Dietsch pilot BULLS ebikes to live stream the SPAR Swiss Epic to the world.

Stefan Sahm and Thomas Dietsch pilot BULLS ebikes to live stream the SPAR Swiss Epic to the world. Keen-eyed mountain biking enthusiasts might have noticed two of the Absa Cape Epic’s most recognizable figures at the SPAR Swiss Epic. While Stefan Sahm and Thomas Dietsch aren't officially competing in the event, they are very much involved, capturing and live-streaming the excitement from their BULLS Media e-bikes.



Switzerland offers a unique playground for those who seek adventure.

Be Prepared



Die Schweiz bietet einen einzigartigen Spielplatz für Abenteuerlustige.

Sei vorbereitet

Have Fun in Graubünden

Riders will relish what the SPAR Swiss Epic has to offer.

Rider Experience


Viel Spass in Graubünden

Die Fahrer werden das Angebot des SPAR Swiss Epic genießen.



Arise to the ultimate Alpine challenge

Take on the mountain biking adventure of a lifetime and share everlasting moments with your teammate as you traverse unforgettable routes and enjoy the breathtaking Alpine scenery, before relaxing in top-flight accommodations with high-value amenities after a hard day’s worth of riding. This race has it all.

Discover Graubünden

Stelle dich der ultimativen Herausforderung

Erlebe das Mountainbike-Abenteuer deines Lebens und teile unvergessliche Momente im Team, während ihr unvergessliche Strecken befahrt und die atemberaubende Alpenlandschaft genießt um nach einem anstrengenden Tag in erstklassigen Unterkünften zu entspannen.

Entdecken Sie Graubünden

The key to brave the Untamed in 2025

4Islands Croatia

The 2024 Route is here

5 days to conquer the most Alpine MTB Race in the World

341km, 11.450m climbing and 12.600m of descent welcome you to the Swiss Alps. Rewarding valleys, endless singletracks and massive mountains will watch you from all four sides, Graubünden is ready to welcome you with the toughness and recognition that only that region can offer. Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? The 2024 SPAR Swiss Epic is calling your name!

Die Route 2024 ist da

5 Tage, um das alpinste MTB-Rennen der Welt zu meistern

341 km, 11.450 m Anstieg und 12.600 m Abstieg heißen Sie in den Schweizer Alpen willkommen. Lohnende Täler, endlose Singletrails und gewaltige Berge werden Sie von allen vier Seiten beobachten. Graubünden ist bereit, Sie mit der Härte und Anerkennung zu empfangen, die nur diese Region bieten kann.  Bereit für das Abenteuer Ihres Lebens? Das SPAR Swiss Epic 2024 ruft Ihren Namen!

2024 Route

Follow the SPAR Swiss Epic

Stay up to date! With the official Epic Series App, you won’t miss any news. Get helpful race information, have a look at the event schedule whenever you need and enjoy the live rider tracking and the best spectator hotspots for friends & family.

Verfolge das SPAR Swiss Epic

Bleibe auf dem Laufenden! Das offizielle Epic Series App liefert vor und während dem Event hilfreiche und spannende Informationen. Sei dies der tägliche Zeitplan, Startlisten, Angaben über jede Etappe, Zuschauerinformationen und vieles mehr.


Follow the Race

Verfolgen Sie das Rennen


  1. QQQQ Race Team - Andrew Judkins
  2. Médicos Mendocinos - Sergio Coratolo 
  3. Bermuda Raceheads - Dennis Fagundo
  4. - Beat Graber
  5. Länna Sport CK - Christian Ceder

Leader Jerseys

Gewinner der Führungstrikots



BIXS Performance 2

UCI Women

UCI Women


Amateur Men

Amateur Men

Stoll Bikes Staff

Amateur Women

Amateur Women

SCOTT Germany





Bulls Legends


Masters Women


Grand Masters

Grand Masters

Team Helsekameraten

Great Grand Masters

Great Grand Masters


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If the idea of racing your mountain bike all around the world appeals to you, sign up for our newsletter for the latest on Epic Series events, captivating trails and athlete updates.

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Wenn Sie die Vorstellung reizt, mit Ihrem Mountainbike rund um die Welt zu fahren, melden Sie sich für unseren Newsletter an, um die neuesten Informationen zu Epic Series-Events, faszinierenden Trails und Athletenupdates zu erhalten.

Mit dem Klick auf „Abonnieren“ stimmen Sie der Datenschutzrichtlinie von Epic Series zu und erklären sich damit einverstanden, E-Mails von Epic Series zu erhalten.

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